For teeth with decay, trauma damage, or defective fillings, porcelain inlay restorations are a popular solution and ideal alternative to conventional composite and silver fillings. Inlays can be made of gold, composite material, or tooth-colored porcelain.

Porcelain inlays resemble the natural tooth, which is why most people choose them over other options. And, unlike crowns, porcelain inlays require only a minimal amount of tooth structure to be removed in preparation for their installation.

Porcelain inlays are custom-made by professionals at dental laboratories and are permanently cemented into the patient’s tooth by a dentist. They are highly durable restorations that can provide you with a strong, beautiful smile for many years. However, like most dental restorations, inlays may need to be replaced due to natural wear.

A dentist in Brooklyn might recommend inlays to their patients for many reasons, including the following:

  • Fractured fillings
  • Large fillings
  • Decayed teeth
  • Broken or fractured teeth
  • Cosmetic enhancement

What is the process for getting an inlay like?

Getting an inlay fitted and installed usually takes two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the dentist will take hyper-accurate molds or a 3D scan of the patient’s teeth. These will be used to create the permanent inlay as well as a temporary restoration.

Next, the tooth will be numbed, and the old filling material and any decay will be removed. The space will be carefully prepared, cleaned, and shaped to properly fit the inlay restoration. Before the patient leaves, a temporary filling will be applied to last them until their next visit.

The second visit will take place once the permanent inlay has been manufactured by the dental laboratory. The dentist will precisely cement the inlay in place, making proper adjustments to ensure that it feels comfortable and does not dampen the functionality of the teeth.

Before the patient leaves, they will be given care instructions for their new inlay as well as oral hygiene and diet advice.

To ask your questions or concerns about porcelain inlays, or to set up an inlay consultation with our dentist, Dr. Shahin, please contact Brooklyn Dentist. We treat patients in Downtown, Crown Heights, Fort Greene, Park Slope, and other neighborhoods of NYC.