Also known as partial crowns, onlay restorations are custom-made fillings made of tooth-colored porcelain, gold, or composite material that repair teeth affected by defective tooth fillings, caries, or trauma. Preparation for onlay restorations requires less drilling than traditional crowns, or caps, making onlays the more conservative option.

Onlays are fabricated by a professional dental laboratory and are permanently cemented onto the tooth by a dentist. Onlay restorations cover the chewing cusps of the tooth while inlays do not. Otherwise, these restorations are practically identical.

Like most dental restorations, onlays are not permanent and will require replacement. Still, they are highly durable restorations that can provide you with a healthy, beautiful, and comfortable smile for many years at a time.

Reasons for getting onlay restorations:

  • Fractured fillings
  • Large fillings
  • Decayed teeth
  • Broken or fractured teeth
  • Cosmetic issues

What is the process for getting an onlay restoration?

Onlay restoration fitting and cementation require two visits to the dental office. On the first visit, either a 3D scan or a highly accurate mold will be used to create your custom onlay. The mold or scan will be sent to a dental lab where the restoration will be made.

Any decay or old fillings will be removed while your teeth are anesthetized. The space where the restoration goes will be cleaned, prepared, and shaped to perfectly fit the onlay. Finally, a temporary filling will be placed to protect the tooth until your next visit.

On the second visit, your custom onlay will be fitted and cemented in place. Adjustments will be made to make sure it has a proper fit and feels comfortable. Before you leave, you will be provided with onlay care instructions, an oral hygiene guide, and advice for a healthy diet.

Our Brooklyn dentist, Dr. Pooria Shahin, provides onlays at our office to patients throughout the borough. He has treated patients from Fort Greene, Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope, Dumbo, Bushwick, Williamsburg, Crown Heights, and other neighborhoods.

If you have questions or concerns about onlay restorations in Brooklyn, NY, or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact our office.