Recovery time following dental implant surgery will differ from person to person but generally requires the same care procedures. The area surrounding the implant must be carefully taken care of, especially during the first month of recovery as the dental implant is still integrating with the tissues and bone.

For the first 24 hours after surgery, avoid rinsing, touching, or spitting to limit contamination and irritation to the surgical site.

The main concern during recovery is proper oral hygiene. Without maintaining good hygiene, the implant will not be able to properly fuse with the jawbone. But, when implants are kept clean and cared for, they can last a lifetime.

After dental implant surgery, patients should follow these care instructions:

Expect bleeding

Bleeding or blood in the patient’s saliva during the first 24 hours of recovery is normal. To ease the flow of blood, gently bite down on a gauze pad to maintain pressure on the site.

Use antibiotics

Patients will be prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection. In addition to taking antibiotics, patients should use their prescribed oral rinse twice a day and do a warm saltwater rinse 4-5 times a day, preferably after eating.

Use pain medication

After the anesthetic wears off, the patient will experience pain. Over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen, Tylenol®, or Aleve® should be used to avoid excessive pain.

Expect swelling

Swelling is a common side effect of implant surgery and should be expected. To minimize swelling in the face, the patient should continuously or frequently apply ice packs to the face for the first 48 hours of recovery.

Maintain a proper diet

Initially, patients are recommended to have a soft food diet to prevent damage to the surgical site. When they feel capable of doing so, patients can return to their normal diet. Patients should also remain hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.

Avoid smoking

Smoking after dental implant surgery has been proven to lead to infection and failed implant integration. Patients should not smoke for at least 2 weeks after their dental implant surgery.

Maintain proper oral hygiene

dental implants and the surgical site must remain clean to heal properly. So, patients should maintain a proper oral hygiene maintenance routine. However, avoid brushing the implant and any sutures in the mouth.

Do not wear a night guard or prosthesis

Within 10 days of implant surgery, any mouth guards, retainers, flippers, full dentures, or partial dentures should not be used.

How long is the recovery after a dental implant surgery in Brooklyn?

Healing time depends on whether the patient must wait for the implant to fuse with the jawbone or has received immediate implant crown placement. No matter the case, with proper oral hygiene, oral discomfort should lessen gradually. If pain, swelling, bruising, or bleeding continues, patients can continue to use pain medication. Follow-up appointments should be scheduled according to the dentist’s pre- or post-operative consultation.

To discuss any questions or concerns with Brooklyn Dentist, please contact us.