Invisalign® is a convenient alternative to traditional braces that replace metalwork with removable custom-made aligning trays. Many patients, especially adults, find the prospect of wearing metal braces for a long time very discouraging as they affect the aesthetic quality of the smile.

Invisalign®, on the other hand, has little to no aesthetic effect on the teeth. Invisalign trays can even be temporarily removed for important occasions. Overall, Invisalign treatment is scheduled around the patient’s life. Most Invisalign patients report complete satisfaction with the treatment and results.

What are the advantages of Invisalign® over traditional braces or veneers?

Invisalign® and traditional braces offer the same or similar results. Most patients find that Invisalign treatment is less obtrusive and more enjoyable. Yet, because the aligning trays used for Invisalign are fully removable, patients must practice more discipline and commitment than if they had traditional braces. The trays are nearly invisible and are comfortable, so this is not usually an issue.

Invisalign® is a preferred option over veneers for those with crooked or aesthetically displeasing smiles as veneers simply cover the teeth rather than correcting their problem. Veneers are thin covers that can be permanently affixed to the teeth by a dentist. The teeth must be etched beforehand, which means that an alternative covering must be constructed if the veneers are removed.

Like veneers, Invisalign® trays are thin covers that go over the teeth. Where these two treatments differ is that Invisalign is completely removable, nearly invisible, and corrects alignment problems while they are worn.

What problems can Invisalign® correct?

Just like traditional metal braces, Invisalign® can correct a variety of bite problems. Some of the most common problems treated by Invisalign include:

  • Overcrowding – This occurs when the teeth are not aligned properly and take up extra space in the mouth, overcrowding the teeth and leading to an increased likelihood of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Crossbite – This occurs when one or multiple upper teeth are angled inside the lower teeth when the jaw is closed. This can lead to bone erosion and gum disease.
  • Underbite – This dental problem occurs when the lower teeth protrude outside or completely cover, the upper teeth. This can lead to TMJ and jaw pain.
  • Overbite – This is the inverse of underbite; overbite occurs when the upper teeth protrude further than, or completely cover the lower teeth. TMJ and jaw pain can occur.
  • Large gaps – Large gaps can occur naturally or because of missing teeth. As a result, the jaw may continue to grow abnormally.

What does Invisalign® treatment look like?

Before the Brooklyn Dentist can provide their patient with Invisalign® trays, a thorough examination of the teeth must be made. Three-dimensional images will be taken of the entire jaw, allowing the dentist to view the jaw from every angle. These images will be displayed on a screen, and using advanced computer technology, the dentist can make predictions of what the teeth and face shape may look like in years to come after Invisalign® treatment is complete.

After this initial planning, the dentist will create a unique set of aligner trays. Most Invisalign® treatments involve 20-29 trays per arch.

Things to consider during Invisalign® treatment

Once the patient is fitted with their first set of aligners, they should do their best to wear them constantly, except when eating or drinking. Food and drink can get stuck between the trays and the teeth, leading to tooth decay.

The patient will have to schedule many dental appointments so they can get their trays replaced. Progress between visits can be seen with the naked eye.

Dentists everywhere believe that Invisalign® treatments have revolutionized orthodontics. They are known for being comfortable and extremely effective. If you have any questions about Invisalign® or would like to schedule an Invisalign consultation, please contact our office. Our dentist, Dr. Shahin, and dental hygienists are happy to help. We treat patients from Brooklyn Heights, Fort Greene, Park Slope, Crown Heights, and other areas of Brooklyn.

If you have questions about Invisalign®, please contact Brooklyn Dental Spa. We offer Invisalign® in Brooklyn, NY for patients in Crown Heights, Fort Greene, Park Slope, Brooklyn Heights, and other areas of Brooklyn.